A'valin Visen

Survivor of the Ark Bane

Knight to a dead house. Sworn to a sunken ship. Convergence of fates. Corrupted rebirth.

A Miqo'te known by many names, aloof, distant. She seems to like to keep her life quiet. Keeping everyone at arms length.

Hello, I play A'valin Visen on Balmung in FFXIV and here's my obligatory OOC section of her profile.

  • I keep OOC and IC heavily seperated; that means just because I like you doesn't mean A'valin will like you. I also ask any sort of advances be made at A'valin IC and not at me OOC until we're more friendly. I do like to be a little flirty with friends and such but find it from complete strangers quite frankly, creepy.

  • I don't ask for much besides staying true to character and at least semi-decent writing. Honesty and communication go a long way as well, we're all adults here (hopefully).

  • If I'm idling about, chances are I'm alt-tabbed or just people watching. Feel free to say hello.

This is being re-written along with the launch of DT. Reboot time. Still broody void cat, please look forward to it.

Name: (A'dryn) A'valin Visen
Aliases: Dryn, Ryn, Valin, Visen, Lost Dragon, Knight Siven, Silverblood, Thorn of the Rose, Keeper of Secrets
Age: 29
Birthday: 24th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual/Sapiosexual
Hair color: Raven black with some greys coming in
Eye Color: Lavender
Personality: Aloof, distant, reserved. She clearly has history she doesn't wish to get into, usually the more firm and imposing presence of the conversation. But there is some small mote of caring in there, refusing to die.